Energy Flow Makeover

More Harmony. More Balance.

Go from stuck state to flow state with the Energy Flow Makeover. For the achiever who desires harmony, balance, and enhanced wellness in both their space and life.


Or find out more by continuing to read below! 

The Energy Flow Makeover is a 1:1 consultation designed to identify and remedy any energy blockages in your home that are affecting other areas of your life (and vice versa) so that you can find more alignment and flow in your day-to-day.

Through virtual consultations, I will help you create harmony between you and your environment using Classical Feng Shui principles.

My recommendations will help you harness the power of your space's existing energies to multiply your efforts. You’ll find that clarity, vitality, and joy come easily once you’ve activated your space’s energy.

This package is designed for you if...

  • You're ready to uncover the energy blocks in your home that might be preventing you from gaining momentum in your business and personal goals.
  • You are ready to create a connection with your home in a way your wellbeing feels taken care of, so that you can increase focus & concentration for work in the day and get restful restorative sleep at night.
  • You are ready to discover and leverage the untapped opportunities in your home for more abundance, joy, and vitality in your life!

Book Your Clarity Call to get started!

You’re giving your mind, body, and spirit all you’ve got, but you still feel like there’s a block somewhere. Something isn’t clicking into place like it should be… 

When the unique bond between your personal energy and your space is out of whack, it’s hard for other things in your life to fall into alignment like they should. That’s because you’re lacking the energetic support of your environment… 

Imagine if...

  • You could feel a sense of empowerment as you move throughout your professional, personal, and spiritual life. 
  • You could maximize your space’s energetic potential to serve you, your hard work, and the goals you’re manifesting. 
  • You could experience peace and ease as your space works for you, instead of against you. 
Book Your Clarity Call to get Feng Shui'd

Step 1: Identify Goals and Blockages 

You will schedule a complimentary Clarity Call. A 20-minute virtual call to discuss your goals and what you hope to gain from a Feng Shui’d space. We’ll talk about any personal blockages that may be holding you back and how these might be manifesting physically in your space and vice versa.


Step 2: Exchange Pre-consultation Items

If after your Clarity Call you're excited to proceed and we both agree I'm the best guide for you to Feng Shui with, I send over a pre-consultation checklist. As well as a folder for you to upload the necessary needed information.


Step 3: Find Flow

Next is the in-person or virtual consultation. Prior to meeting I will assess your floorplan. I thoroughly analyze your bagua map and look for how you can adjust your space to receive the most abundance, joy, and vitality.

The consultation begins with setting your intentions for the space. So much of Feng Shui is giving your space attention with intention.

Then we will walk through your space together and make adjustments that activate your space’s energy to help you achieve your goals and intentions.

Starting with what you already own, we'll repurpose, reposition, or remove articles as necessary to improve flow and balance the elements throughout your space. I’ll also provide recommendations for new ways of interacting with the space that will allow you to reap the energetic benefits. You can ask about decor, paint colors, furniture arrangement, or any other questions you may have.


Step 4: Stay Committed

Over the next month, we'll keep in touch to ensure you have the accountability, consistency, and support you need to achieve the goals we discussed. At 30 days we will chat to make sure everything is on track and adjusted as necessary.

Summary of what's included:

Over the next month, we'll keep in touch to ensure you have the accountability, consistency, and support you need to achieve the goals we discussed. At 30 days and 60 days we will chat to make sure everything is on track and adjusted as necessary. 

  • 1 virtual home assessment (2.5 hours)
  • A Bagua Map to guide you as you continue transforming your space throughout your Feng Shui journey
  • 1 follow-up call after 30 days (40 minutes)
  • 1 follow-up call after 60 days (40 minutes)
  • An Elemental Moodboard breaking down the attributes of each Feng Shui element
  • A visual guide of the elemental cycle, how it works, and decor inspiration for each element
  • A customized action report summarizing our call so you know what we did and why we did it and how to make adjustments in the future
  • Personalized recommendations and tips for using Feng Shui to reach your goals based on your home's unique energy.
Book Your Clarity Call to get Feng Shui'd

Look at what 1:1 clients have said after their Energy Flow Makeover

Are you ready to feel reinvigorated?

Begin by booking your Clarity Call!

Compare Popular Feng Shui Services

The Energy Flow Makeover


Go from stuck state to flow state with the Energy Flow Makeover. For the achiever who desires harmony, balance, and enhanced wellness in both their space and life.


 ✓  Personalized Guidance: Jeannette will lead you through the transformative process of applying Classical Feng Shui principles to your environment.

✓ Harmonious Spaces: Discover the power of aligning your space with the natural world to create a serene and supportive atmosphere for success.

✓ Renewed Energy: Experience a revitalization of your internal and external energy, propelling you towards your goals with newfound vitality.


Embark on a journey to harmonize your space and life. Click the button below to start your transformation with the Energy Flow Makeover.



Book Your Clarity Call To Begin!

The Premium Feng Shui Collection


Elevate your professional and personal life to new heights with Elemental Clarity's "Premium Feng Shui Experience." Tailored for the career-driven professional or entrepreneur, this service is designed to harmonize your space with your ambitions, all while respecting your valuable time.


✓ Clarity Call: Beginning with a clarity call, we delve into specific pre-consultation details to tailor our approach to your unique needs.

✓ In-Person Consultation: Enjoy the personalized touch of an in-person consultation, ensuring every detail is aligned with your vision.

✓ Mostly Done-For-You: Benefit from a service that takes care of the heavy lifting. Jeannette handles curating the decor, Feng Shui decisions and adjustments - while you provide the intentions and final say.

✓ Efficient and Effective: Ideal for the busy businessperson who prefers to delegate tasks and focus on what they do best. You're left to enjoy the profound benefits without the usual demands on your time.

✓ Energetic Alignment: Achieve higher levels of energetic alignment, boosting your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being.


Ready to unlock the full potential of your space and yourself? The Premium Feng Shui Experience is your key to a harmonized, energized, and beautifully appointed environment. Click the button below to start your journey towards enhanced energetic alignment.


*Note: Travel is included in cost listed. Price may vary due to size of space and other unique needs.



Book Your Clarity Call To Begin!